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  1. duō

    • 多:数量大,与“少”相对;超出原有或应有的数目;有余,剩; 好,赞许;表示程度高;多么, कितना (kitnā);重视,看重;太,过分;表示疑问或反问;姓。 字面含义:数量大。英语含义:many, much, more, numerous, multi-

    • 哆:张口,咧开; 哆嗦:因寒冷或害怕身体颤抖。 字面含义:张口,咧开。英语含义:open mouth, tremble, quiver

    • 掇:拾取; 摘取; 用手端; 拖着,拉着。 字面含义:拾取。英语含义:pick up, lift up

    • 喥:叹息声。 字面含义:叹息声。英语含义:sighing sound

    • 咄:表示斥责的声音。 字面含义:斥责声。英语含义:interjection of reproach

    • duo (轻声,此为无声调的拼音,对应“喔”等部分语气词,口语音较重,此处列出仅为完整性考虑,日常书面语使用较少,不常用汉字和含义将不详细展开)

    • 裰:缝合;双层的衣服。 字面含义:缝合。英语含义:sew together, double layer garment

    • 誃:责备。 字面含义:责备。英语含义:to blame, to reproach

    • 躲:避开,隐藏。 字面含义:避开,隐藏。英语含义:hide, avoid, evade

    • 舵:船、飞机等控制方向的装置。 字面含义:控制方向的装置。英语含义:rudder, helm

    • 剁:用刀向下猛砍。 字面含义:猛砍。英语含义:chop, mince

    • 惰:懒惰,懈怠。 字面含义:懒惰。英语含义:lazy, idle, indolent

    • 驮:用背负载。 字面含义:背负载物。英语含义:carry on the back

    • 垛:堆积成堆的货物;墙垛。 字面含义:堆积。英语含义:stack, pile, parapet

    • 沲:潭,水潭。 字面含义:潭。英语含义:pool, deep water

    • 缍:纺车上的锭子。 字面含义:纺车锭子。英语含义:spindle

    • 陏:古地名。 字面含义:古地名。英语含义:ancient place name (Sui)

  1. duó

    • 夺:强取,抢forcefully take away;争取,obtain through struggle; 失去,lose; 决定,判定decide; 光彩耀眼, splendid. 字面含义:强行取得。英语含义:rob, seize,奪,plunder, struggle for, deprive of, decide

    • 踱:慢步行走,来回走动. 字面含义:慢步行走。英语含义:pace, stride

    • 度:量长短的器具,标准,measurement; 分段计算, degrees; 气量,胸襟, tolerance; 法度,准则, law, standard; 过,经历 pass, spend time; 程度 level, extent. 字面含义:程度,标准。英语含义:degree, extent, measure, pass, spend

    • 铎:古代兵器; 古代乐器名, bell. 字面含义:古代乐器。英语含义:large bell, ancient weapon

    • 敚:打击,击打. 字面含义:击打。英语含义:to strike, to hit

    • 揣度:推测,估计。 字面含义:推测。英语含义:to speculate, to guess

  1. duǒ

    • 朵:花朵;耳朵;量词,用于花朵、云彩等。 字面含义:花。英语含义:flower, ear, quantifier for flowers and clouds

    • 躲:避开,隐藏(与duo1 躲同字,但在duo3音调下,“躲”的避开、隐藏含义更常用和突出). 字面含义:避开,隐藏。英语含义:hide, avoid, evade

    • 垛:(与duo1 垛同字,但在duo3音调下,“垛”的堆积含义仍然存在). 字面含义:堆积。英语含义:stack, pile

    • 揣:估量,忖度(与duo2 揣同字,但在duo3音调下,“揣”的估量、忖度含义也存在). 字面含义:估量。英语含义:to estimate, to guess

  1. duò

    • 惰:懒惰,懈怠 (与duo1 惰同字,但在duo4音调下,“惰”的懒惰含义更常用和突出). 字面含义:懒惰。英语含义:lazy, idle, indolent

    • 堕:落,掉下来; 坠落,陷落; 堕落,fall, sink, degenerate; 放松,懈怠 relax, slacken. 字面含义:坠落。英语含义:fall, sink, degenerate, slump

    • 舵:船舵(与duo1 舵同字,但在duo4音调下,“舵”的船舵含义更常用和突出). 字面含义:船舵。英语含义:rudder, helm

    • 踱:(与duo2 踱同字,但在duo4音调下,“踱”的慢步行走含义也存在). 字面含义:慢步行走。英语含义:pace, stride

    • 剁:(与duo1 剁同字,但在duo4音调下,“剁”的猛砍含义也存在). 字面含义:猛砍。英语含义:chop, mince

    • 跺:顿足。 字面含义:顿足。英语含义:stamp the feet

    • 驮:(与duo1 驮同字,但在duo4音调下,“驮”的背负载物含义也存在). 字面含义:背负载物。英语含义:carry on the back

    • 沲:(与duo1 沲同字,但在duo4音调下,“沲”的潭含义也存在). 字面含义:潭。英语含义:pool, deep water

    • 垜:土堆。 字面含义:土堆。英语含义:mound, heap of earth

    • 坸:〔坸漏〕空虚;破绽。 字面含义:空虚;破绽。英语含义:empty; flaw

    • 嶞:山势险峻的样子; 山坡倾斜的样子. 字面含义:山势险峻;山坡倾斜。英语含义:steep mountain; sloping hillside

    • 跥:脚踏地的声音。 字面含义:踏地声。英语含义:sound of foot stepping on the ground

    • 椯:古书上说的一种树。 字面含义:古书上说的树。英语含义:tree mentioned in ancient books

    • 碿:磢碿,摇动。 字面含义:摇动。英语含义:shake, rock

    • 貀:兽名。 字面含义:兽名。英语含义:name of an animal

    • 亸:下垂;耷拉。 字面含义:下垂。英语含义:droop, hang down

    • 亸:(亦读 duǒ, 義同“亸”字)。 字面含义:下垂(同“亸”字)。英语含义:droop (same as "亸")

  2. duo (轻声)

    • 多:(轻声时语气较缓和,如“好得多”)。 字面含义:表示程度、比较。英语含义:more (in a mild tone)

    • 朵:(轻声时,口语中常用,如“花朵儿”)。 字面含义:花朵 (口语). 英语含义:flower (colloquial)

    • 哆:(轻声时,叠音词如“哆哆嗦嗦”)。 字面含义:叠音词用字。英语含义:used in disyllabic words, like "trembling"

    • 的说 (de, di, duo) (助词“的”读轻声duo时,常用于口语,表示语气)。 字面含义:语气助词。英语含义: particle indicating tone in spoken language.


  1. zhāi

    • 摘:采摘,取下; 选取,摘录; 揭发,指摘 point out,摘 fault. 字面含义:采摘,选取。英语含义:pick, pluck,摘 take off,摘摘 select,摘摘 excerpt,摘摘摘 point out

    • 斋:斋戒,祭祀前 शुद्ध化 fast, abstinence; 书房,学舍 study room; 素食 vegetarian meal. 字面含义:斋戒,书房,素食。英语含义:斋 fasting, study, vegetarian food

    • 捚:方言。把,将。 字面含义:方言,把,将。英语含义:dialect, to take, to handle

  2. zhái

    • 宅:住宅,住所 house, residence; 家庭 family. 字面含义:住宅。英语含义:house, residence, home, family

    • 翟:姓氏,翟姓。 字面含义:姓氏。英语含义:Zhai (family name)

    • 擇/择:(择 - 简体为“择”, 常用的意思是 “选择”。 但 “擇” 字在zhái 音时,意思与“摘”相近,有采摘,选取的意思, 在某些古籍中 “擇” 会被用作 “摘” 使用,此音较少用)。 字面含义:采摘,选取 (较少用)。英语含义:pick,摘 pluck,摘摘摘 select (less common meaning of this pronunciation)

  3. zhǎi

    • 窄:狭窄,狭隘 narrow, cramped; (心胸)不开阔 illiberal. 字面含义:狭窄。英语含义:narrow, cramped, narrow-minded

    • 舴:舴艋,小船名. 字面含义:小船。英语含义:small boat

  4. zhài

    • 债:欠别人的钱,debt; 责任,欠情,debt of gratitude; 责备 blame. 字面含义:欠款,责任。英语含义:debt, loan, liability, responsibility, blame

    • 寨:村寨,山寨 stockaded village; 营寨 military camp. 字面含义:村寨,营寨。英语含义:stockade,寨寨 village,寨寨 camp

    • 祭:祭祀,祭奠 offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors; 致敬,祭 express condolences. 字面含义:祭祀。英语含义:祭祭祭 sacrifice,祭祭祭 worship,祭祭祭 offer condolences (zhài in this pronunciation, although more commonly jì)


  1. 多摘:字面含义:多方面摘取,采摘很多。英语含义:pick many,摘摘摘 pluck abundantly.

  2. 多斋:字面含义:多做斋戒之事,或者指很多的斋戒场所/书斋。英语含义:frequent fasting; many vegetarian places/studies.

  3. 多捚:字面含义:方言,多把,多将 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, to take many, to handle many (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  4. 多宅:字面含义:很多的住宅,多处宅院。英语含义:many residences, multiple houses.

  5. 多翟:字面含义:姓翟的人很多。英语含义:many people with the family name Zhai.

  6. 多择/多擇:字面含义:多次选择或有很多可供选择的事物;在古代语境下,也可能指采摘很多。英语含义:many choices; picking a lot (archaic usage).

  7. 多窄:字面含义:非常狭窄,极其狭小。英语含义:very narrow, extremely cramped.

  8. 多舴:字面含义:很多的舴艋小船 (较为生僻的组合)。英语含义:many small boats (rare combination).

  9. 多债:字面含义:很多债务,负担很多责任。英语含义:much debt, heavy responsibilities.

  10. 多寨:字面含义:很多的村寨或营寨。英语含义:many stockaded villages or camps.

  11. 多祭:字面含义:多次祭祀或很多的祭祀活动。英语含义:frequent sacrifices or many sacrificial activities.

  12. 哆摘:字面含义:张口摘取,或者形容摘取的动作导致张口。英语含义:open-mouthed picking; picking motion causing mouth to open.

  13. 哆斋:字面含义:张口斋戒 (意义较为模糊,可以理解为说话时也在斋戒,或者因惊讶等张口于斋戒场所)。英语含义:open-mouthed fasting (ambiguous meaning, possibly fasting while speaking or surprised in a vegetarian place).

  14. 哆捚:字面含义:方言,张口拿着,张口把着 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, open-mouthed taking, open-mouthed handling (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  15. 哆宅:字面含义:张口对着住宅,或在住宅前张口 (意义较为模糊,可能指在宅院门口张口呼喊或惊叹)。英语含义:open mouth towards residence or in front of house (ambiguous meaning, perhaps shouting or exclaiming at house entrance).

  16. 哆翟:字面含义:张口呼喊翟姓的人。英语含义:calling out to people with the surname Zhai.

  17. 哆择/哆擇:字面含义:张口选择,或面对很多选择张口不知所措。英语含义:open-mouthed selecting; bewildered by many choices.

  18. 哆窄:字面含义:惊讶于狭窄,或者形容狭窄到令人张口结舌。英语含义:astonished by narrowness; narrowness causing open mouth surprise.

  19. 哆舴:字面含义:张口对着舴艋小船 (意义不明确,可能是看到小船发出惊叹)。英语含义:open-mouthed towards a small boat (unclear meaning, maybe exclamation upon seeing a small boat).

  20. 哆债:字面含义:张口要债或惊讶于债务。英语含义:open-mouthed debt collection or astonished by debt.

  21. 哆寨:字面含义:张口呼喊山寨或惊讶于山寨的景象。英语含义:open-mouthed shout to a stockade or amazed by the stockade view.

  22. 哆祭:字面含义:张口祭祀或惊讶于祭祀场面。英语含义:open-mouthed sacrificing or astonished by sacrificial scene.

  23. 掇摘:字面含义:拾取和摘取,重复强调摘取的动作。英语含义:picking and plucking, emphasizing the picking action.

  24. 掇斋:字面含义:拾取斋戒的物品,或在斋戒场所拾取东西。英语含义:picking up fasting items; picking things up in a vegetarian place.

  25. 掇捚:字面含义:方言,拾取并拿着,拾取并抓住 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, picking up and taking, picking up and grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  26. 掇宅:字面含义:拾取住宅相关的物品,或者在住宅附近拾取东西。英语含义:picking up residence-related items; picking things up near a house.

  27. 掇翟:字面含义:拾取姓翟的东西 (如果理解“掇”为收集),或拾起属于翟姓的东西。英语含义:picking up Zhai family's things (if "掇" means to collect), picking up things belonging to the Zhai family.

  28. 掇择/掇擇:字面含义:拾取选择的物品,或者经过挑选后拾取。英语含义:picking up selected items, picking up after choosing.

  29. 掇窄:字面含义:拾取狭窄的东西 (可能指狭窄的小物件)。英语含义:picking up narrow things (possibly narrow small objects).

  30. 掇舴:字面含义:拾取舴艋小船 (不太可能,但字面可以理解为捡起小船的模型或小船上的物件)。英语含义:picking up a small boat (unlikely, but literally understandable as picking up a model boat or items on a boat).

  31. 掇债:字面含义:拾取债务凭证或与债务相关的文件。英语含义:picking up debt certificates or debt-related documents.

  32. 掇寨:字面含义:拾取寨子里的物品,或收集山寨的物件。英语含义:picking up items in a stockaded village; collecting things from a stockade.

  33. 掇祭:字面含义:拾取祭祀用品,或者收集祭祀用的物件。英语含义:picking up sacrificial items, collecting sacrificial objects.

  34. 喥摘:字面含义:叹息着摘取,边叹息边摘取。英语含义:sighing while picking, picking with sighs.

  35. 喥斋:字面含义:叹息着斋戒,或在斋戒时叹息。英语含义:sighing while fasting, sighing during vegetarian abstinence.

  36. 喥捚:字面含义:方言,叹息着拿,叹息着把持 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),表达一种无奈或疲惫的动作。英语含义:dialect, sighing while taking, sighing while handling (if "捚" means "take, handle"), expressing a helpless or tired action.

  37. 喥宅:字面含义:叹息着面对住宅,或对着住宅叹息 (可能表达对住所的无奈或渴望)。英语含义:sighing towards a residence, sighing at a house (possibly expressing helplessness or longing for home).

  38. 喥翟:字面含义:叹息着提到翟姓,或者因为翟姓而叹息 (可能指与姓翟的人有关的忧虑)。英语含义:sighing mentioning the Zhai surname; sighing because of the Zhai surname (possibly concern related to people named Zhai).

  39. 喥择/喥擇:字面含义:叹息着选择,无奈地选择,或对选择感到叹息。英语含义:sighing while choosing, helplessly choosing, sighing about choices.

  40. 喥窄:字面含义:叹息于狭窄,对狭窄的环境或条件感到叹息。英语含义:sighing about narrowness, sighing at narrow environment or conditions.

  41. 喥舴:字面含义:叹息着看着舴艋小船 (意义不明确,可能表达对小船的怜惜或无奈)。英语含义:sighing while looking at a small boat (unclear meaning, maybe sighing with pity or helplessness regarding the small boat).

  42. 喥债:字面含义:叹息债务,为债务叹息。英语含义:sighing about debt, sighing for debts.

  43. 喥寨:字面含义:叹息山寨,为山寨的境况叹息。英语含义:sighing about a stockade, sighing for the situation of a stockade.

  44. 喥祭:字面含义:叹息祭祀,或对祭祀感到无奈。英语含义:sighing about sacrifices, or sighing helplessly at sacrifices.

  45. 咄摘:字面含义:斥责着摘取,厉声喝止地摘取。英语含义:reproachfully picking, forcefully picking while scolding.

  46. 咄斋:字面含义:斥责斋戒的行为,或在斋戒时厉声说话 (通常不合斋戒的肃静要求)。英语含义:reproaching fasting, speaking loudly during fasting (unsuitable for the silence required in fasting).

  47. 咄捚:字面含义:方言,斥责着拿,呵斥着抓取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),可能表达强硬或命令式的动作。英语含义:dialect, reproachfully taking, scolding while grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), expressing a forceful or commanding action.

  48. 咄宅:字面含义:斥责住宅,对着住宅呵斥 (可能表达对住所的不满或愤怒)。英语含义:reproaching a house, scolding towards a house (possibly expressing dissatisfaction or anger at the residence).

  49. 咄翟:字面含义:斥责姓翟的人。英语含义:scolding someone with the Zhai surname.

  50. 咄择/咄擇:字面含义:斥责别人的选择,或斥责选择的行为。英语含义:reproaching someone's choice, reproaching the act of choosing.

  51. 咄窄:字面含义:斥责狭窄,对狭窄的空间或眼界表示斥责。英语含义:reproaching narrowness, expressing reproach for narrow space or narrow-mindedness.

  52. 咄舴:字面含义:斥责舴艋小船 (意义不明确,可能指责小船破旧或无用)。英语含义:reproaching a small boat (unclear meaning, possibly criticizing the boat for being old or useless).

  53. 咄债:字面含义:斥责债务,厉声催债。英语含义:reproaching debts, forcefully demanding repayment of debts.

  54. 咄寨:字面含义:斥责山寨,可能指责山寨的落后或封闭。英语含义:reproaching a stockade, possibly criticizing a stockade for being backward or isolated.

  55. 咄祭:字面含义:斥责祭祀的行为,或者斥责祭祀仪式。英语含义:reproaching sacrificial acts, reproaching sacrificial rituals.

  56. 裰摘:字面含义:缝合和摘取 (字面组合略显奇怪,可能指缝合后再摘取,或者缝补摘取的破洞)。英语含义:sewing and picking (literal combination a bit odd, possibly sewing before picking or mending holes from picking).

  57. 裰斋:字面含义:缝制斋衣,或者指用缝补的衣物进行斋戒。英语含义:sewing vegetarian clothes, or fasting while wearing mended clothes.

  58. 裰捚:字面含义:方言,缝合后拿着,缝合后抓住 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),可能指将缝好的东西拿起来。英语含义:dialect, sewing and then taking, sewing then grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), possibly picking up sewn items.

  59. 裰宅:字面含义:缝补房屋,或缝制宅院内的物品。英语含义:mending a house, sewing items within a residence.

  60. 裰翟:字面含义:缝制翟姓的服饰,或者给翟姓的人缝补衣服。英语含义:sewing clothes for the Zhai family or mending clothes for people named Zhai.

  61. 裰择/裰擇:字面含义:缝补选择的物品,或者缝补挑选出来的衣物。英语含义:mending selected items, mending chosen clothes.

  62. 裰窄:字面含义:缝补狭窄的地方,或将衣服改窄。英语含义:mending narrow places, altering clothes to be narrower.

  63. 裰舴:字面含义:缝制舴艋小船 (不可能,字面意义上可以理解为缝制小船模型)。英语含义:sewing a small boat (impossible, literally understood as sewing a model boat).

  64. 裰债:字面含义:缝制债务凭证的保护套,或比喻缝补债务漏洞 (引申义)。英语含义:sewing a cover for debt certificates or metaphorically mending debt loopholes (figurative).

  65. 裰寨:字面含义:缝制寨旗,或者修补寨墙的裂缝。英语含义:sewing a stockade flag, mending cracks in stockade walls.

  66. 裰祭:字面含义:缝制祭祀用的衣物,或者修补祭祀用的布幔。英语含义:sewing clothes for sacrifice, mending cloth for sacrificial rituals.

  67. 誃摘:字面含义:责备摘取,因摘取行为而受到责备。英语含义:blaming picking, being blamed for picking action.

  68. 誃斋:字面含义:责备斋戒不足,或因不守斋戒而受到责备。英语含义:blaming insufficient fasting, being blamed for not observing fasting properly.

  69. 誃捚:字面含义:方言,责备拿着,指责抓取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),可能指责对方抓取不当或贪婪。英语含义:dialect, blaming for taking, criticizing for grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), possibly blaming for improper or greedy grabbing.

  70. 誃宅:字面含义:责备居住不当,或因宅院问题而受到责备。英语含义:blaming for improper residence, being blamed due to house problems.

  71. 誃翟:字面含义:责备翟姓的人。英语含义:blaming people with the Zhai surname.

  72. 誃择/誃擇:字面含义:责备选择错误,或因错误选择而受到责备。英语含义:blaming for wrong choice, being blamed for making a wrong selection.

  73. 誃窄:字面含义:责备狭隘,或因心胸狭窄而受到责备。英语含义:blaming narrow-mindedness, being blamed for being narrow-minded.

  74. 誃舴:字面含义:责备舴艋小船 (不太可能,可能指责小船性能差或使用不当)。英语含义:blaming a small boat (unlikely, possibly criticizing a boat for poor performance or misuse).

  75. 誃债:字面含义:责备欠债不还,或因债务问题而受到责备。英语含义:blaming for not repaying debts, being blamed due to debt issues.

  76. 誃寨:字面含义:责备寨子管理不善,或因寨子问题而受到责备。英语含义:blaming poor stockade management, being blamed due to stockade problems.

  77. 誃祭:字面含义:责备祭祀不诚,或因祭祀仪式不当而受到责备。英语含义:blaming insincere sacrifice, being blamed due to improper sacrificial rituals.

  78. 躲摘:字面含义:躲避摘取,逃避摘取的任务或责任。英语含义:evading picking, avoiding the task or responsibility of picking.

  79. 躲斋:字面含义:躲避斋戒,逃避斋戒的约束或义务。英语含义:evading fasting, avoiding the restraints or obligations of fasting.

  80. 躲捚:字面含义:方言,躲开并拿着,避开但仍然抓住 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),意义模糊,可能指在躲藏中仍然抓着某物。英语含义:dialect, evading but taking, avoiding but still grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), ambiguous meaning, maybe holding onto something while hiding.

  81. 躲宅:字面含义:躲避住宅,逃离居所,或者避开与住宅相关的事情。英语含义:evading residence, fleeing home, avoiding things related to housing.

  82. 躲翟:字面含义:躲避姓翟的人,或逃避与翟姓有关的麻烦。英语含义:evading people with the Zhai surname, avoiding trouble related to the Zhai family.

  83. 躲择/躲擇:字面含义:躲避选择,逃避做出选择,或者回避选择的机会。英语含义:evading choice, avoiding making a selection, shunning the opportunity to choose.

  84. 躲窄:字面含义:躲避狭窄,避开狭小的空间或狭隘的境地。英语含义:evading narrowness, avoiding cramped spaces or narrow-minded situations.

  85. 躲舴:字面含义:躲避舴艋小船 (意义不明确,可能害怕乘坐小船,或避开与小船相关的危险)。英语含义:evading a small boat (unclear meaning, possibly afraid of riding a small boat or avoiding danger related to small boats).

  86. 躲债:字面含义:躲避债务,逃避还债的责任或债主的追讨。英语含义:evading debts, avoiding the responsibility of repayment or the pursuit of creditors.

  87. 躲寨:字面含义:躲避山寨,避开山寨的势力或危险。英语含义:evading a stockade, avoiding the influence or dangers of a stockade.

  88. 躲祭:字面含义:躲避祭祀,逃避参与祭祀活动。英语含义:evading sacrifices, avoiding participation in sacrificial activities.

  89. 舵摘:字面含义:用舵摘取 (不太可能,字面理解可以是操控舵的同时摘取,或用舵状工具摘取)。英语含义:picking with a rudder (unlikely, literally can be understood as picking while steering a rudder or picking with a rudder-shaped tool).

  90. 舵斋:字面含义:用舵进行斋戒 (无意义组合)。英语含义:fasting with a rudder (meaningless combination).

  91. 舵捚:字面含义:方言,用舵拿取,用舵把持 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”), 意义难以理解,或许比喻操控局面并掌握某物。英语含义:dialect, taking with a rudder, handling with a rudder (if "捚" means "take, handle"), hard to understand meaning, possibly metaphorically controlling the situation and grasping something.

  92. 舵宅:字面含义:舵和住宅,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指与航运相关的住宅,或者在住宅附近操控舵)。英语含义:rudder and house, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe a house related to shipping or steering a rudder near a house).

  93. 舵翟:字面含义:舵和翟姓,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指姓翟的人擅长使用舵,或制造舵)。英语含义:rudder and Zhai surname, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe people with the Zhai surname are good at using rudders or making rudders).

  94. 舵择/舵擇:字面含义:用舵来选择,或像舵一样选择方向 (比喻)。英语含义:choosing with a rudder, or choosing direction like a rudder (metaphorical).

  95. 舵窄:字面含义:舵变得狭窄 (不可能,舵通常有固定形状),或形容操控舵的空间狭窄。英语含义:rudder becoming narrow (impossible, rudders usually have fixed shapes), or describing narrow space for steering a rudder.

  96. 舵舴:字面含义:舵和舴艋小船,二者并列 (意义不明,可能是指小船的舵,或者同时使用舵和小船)。英语含义:rudder and small boat, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, possibly the rudder of a small boat or using a rudder and a small boat together).

  97. 舵债:字面含义:用舵偿还债务 (比喻,用舵作为交易物抵债)。英语含义:repaying debt with a rudder (metaphorical, using a rudder as a trade item for debt repayment).

  98. 舵寨:字面含义:用舵保卫山寨 (比喻,用舵来比喻防御方向)。英语含义:defending a stockade with a rudder (metaphorical, using a rudder to symbolize defending direction).

  99. 舵祭:字面含义:用舵祭祀 (无意义组合)。英语含义:offering sacrifice with a rudder (meaningless combination).

  100. 剁摘:字面含义:用剁的动作摘取,用力砍断式地摘取 (例如用刀剁下果实)。英语含义:picking with chopping motion, picking forcefully as if chopping (e.g., chopping down fruits with a knife).

  101. 剁斋:字面含义:剁碎斋菜,准备斋饭。英语含义:mincing vegetarian food, preparing vegetarian meals.

  102. 剁捚:字面含义:方言,剁着拿,剁着把持 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),可能指粗暴地剁着抓住某物。英语含义:dialect, chopping while taking, chopping while handling (if "捚" means "take, handle"), possibly roughly chopping while grabbing something.

  103. 剁宅:字面含义:剁开住宅,破坏住宅 (例如暴力拆迁)。英语含义:chopping a house open, destroying a house (e.g., violent demolition).

  104. 剁翟:字面含义:剁姓翟的人 (极度不友好和暴力)。英语含义:chopping people with the Zhai surname (extremely unfriendly and violent).

  105. 剁择/剁擇:字面含义:剁掉选择,粗暴地取消选择的机会。英语含义:chopping away choice, violently cancelling the opportunity to choose.

  106. 剁窄:字面含义:剁狭窄的地方,扩宽狭窄的空间。英语含义:chopping narrow places, widening narrow space.

  107. 剁舴:字面含义:剁碎舴艋小船 (破坏小船)。英语含义:chopping up a small boat (destroying a small boat).

  108. 剁债:字面含义:剁掉债务凭证,销毁债务记录。英语含义:chopping up debt certificates, destroying debt records.

  109. 剁寨:字面含义:剁开寨门,强行攻破山寨。英语含义:chopping open stockade gates, forcefully breaching a stockade.

  110. 剁祭:字面含义:剁碎祭品 (例如祭祀用的肉),或者破坏祭坛。英语含义:chopping sacrificial offerings (e.g., sacrificial meat), destroying an altar.

  111. 惰摘:字面含义:懒惰地摘取,懈怠于摘取的任务。英语含义:lazily picking, being idle in the task of picking.

  112. 惰斋:字面含义:懒惰地斋戒,敷衍了事的斋戒。英语含义:lazily fasting, perfunctory fasting.

  113. 惰捚:字面含义:方言,懒惰地拿,懈怠地抓取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),形容动作拖拉和不情愿。英语含义:dialect, lazily taking, indolently grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), describing slow and unwilling action.

  114. 惰宅:字面含义:懒于居家,疏于家务或对家庭漠不关心。英语含义:lazy in managing home, neglecting housework or being indifferent to family matters.

  115. 惰翟:字面含义:对翟姓的人懒惰 (意义不明确)。英语含义:lazy towards people with the Zhai surname (unclear meaning).

  116. 惰择/惰擇:字面含义:懒于选择,不积极做选择,或对选择漠不关心。英语含义:lazy in choosing, not actively making choices, or indifferent to choice.

  117. 惰窄:字面含义:因懒惰而变得狭窄,或者对狭隘境地安于现状。英语含义:becoming narrow due to laziness, or content with a narrow-minded situation because of laziness.

  118. 惰舴:字面含义:懒惰地划舴艋小船 (不常用组合,可能指划船时偷懒)。英语含义:lazily rowing a small boat (uncommon combination, possibly referring to slacking off while rowing).

  119. 惰债:字面含义:懒于还债,拖欠债务。英语含义:lazy in repaying debts, delaying debt repayment.

  120. 惰寨:字面含义:懒于管理山寨,导致山寨衰落或管理混乱。英语含义:lazy in managing a stockade, leading to decline or chaotic management of the stockade.

  121. 惰祭:字面含义:懒于祭祀,敷衍了事的祭祀仪式,或者不愿举行祭祀。英语含义:lazy in performing sacrifices, perfunctory sacrificial rituals, or unwilling to hold sacrifices.

  122. 驮摘:字面含义:背着东西摘取,一边背着东西一边摘取。英语含义:picking while carrying on back, picking while burdened.

  123. 驮斋:字面含义:背着斋戒用品,或者指僧侣背着斋具。英语含义:carrying vegetarian fasting items on back, or monks carrying vegetarian utensils on their backs.

  124. 驮捚:字面含义:方言,背着拿,背着把持 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),指负重抓取或背负着东西搬运。英语含义:dialect, carrying on back while taking, carrying while handling (if "捚" means "take, handle"), referring to grabbing or transporting while burdened.

  125. 驮宅:字面含义:背着住宅模型,或者指游牧民族驮着帐篷迁移。英语含义:carrying a house model on back, or nomadic tribes carrying tents on backs for migration.

  126. 驮翟:字面含义:背着姓翟的人,或者背负与翟姓相关的东西 (意义不明确)。英语含义:carrying a person with the Zhai surname on back, or carrying things related to the Zhai surname (unclear meaning).

  127. 驮择/驮擇:字面含义:背着选择的结果,或者指负载着多种选择和责任。英语含义:carrying the results of choice on back, or referring to bearing multiple choices and responsibilities.

  128. 驮窄:字面含义:背着狭窄的东西 (例如狭窄的木板),或者比喻负担狭隘的思想和眼界。英语含义:carrying narrow things on back (e.g., narrow planks), or metaphorically bearing narrow-minded thoughts.

  129. 驮舴:字面含义:背着舴艋小船 (不可能,但字面意义上可以是驮着小船的模型或者小船的帆)。英语含义:carrying a small boat on back (impossible, but literally might be carrying a small boat model or boat sail).

  130. 驮债:字面含义:背着债务凭证,或者比喻背负沉重债务负担。英语含义:carrying debt certificates on back, or metaphorically carrying a heavy debt burden.

  131. 驮寨:字面含义:背着寨子模型,或者比喻肩负建设或保卫山寨的重任。英语含义:carrying a stockade model on back, or metaphorically bearing the heavy responsibility of building or defending a stockade.

  132. 驮祭:字面含义:背着祭祀用品,或者驮着祭品去祭祀场所。英语含义:carrying sacrificial items on back, or carrying sacrificial offerings to the ritual site.

  133. 垛摘:字面含义:在货物堆上摘取,或在垛子上采摘水果等。英语含义:picking on a stack of goods, picking fruits etc. from a pile.

  134. 垛斋:字面含义:堆积斋戒食物,储备斋戒期间的食物。英语含义:stacking vegetarian fasting food, stocking up on food for vegetarian fasting.

  135. 垛捚:字面含义:方言,堆积起来拿,把货物堆成垛并拿走 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, stacking up and taking, piling goods into stacks and taking them away (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  136. 垛宅:字面含义:房屋堆积成垛,指房屋密集。英语含义:houses piled up like stacks, referring to dense housing.

  137. 垛翟:字面含义:姓翟的人堆积成垛 (意义不明,可能指翟姓人家众多且聚集)。英语含义:people with the Zhai surname piled up like stacks (unclear meaning, maybe many Zhai families and they are clustered together).

  138. 垛择/垛擇:字面含义:堆积选择,把选择项堆积起来,数量众多的选择。英语含义:stacking up choices, piling up options for selection, numerous choices.

  139. 垛窄:字面含义:堆积狭窄的东西 (例如把狭窄的木板堆起来),形容物品堆积但空间狭小。英语含义:stacking narrow things (e.g., stacking narrow planks), describing piled items but in a cramped space.

  140. 垛舴:字面含义:堆积舴艋小船 (不可能,字面理解为堆积小船模型或船上的物件)。英语含义:stacking small boats (impossible, literally understood as stacking small boat models or items on boats).

  141. 垛债:字面含义:堆积债务凭证,表示积累了大量债务。英语含义:stacking debt certificates, indicating accumulated large debts.

  142. 垛寨:字面含义:寨墙堆积成垛,形容寨墙高耸。英语含义:stockade walls piled up like stacks, describing high and imposing stockade walls.

  143. 垛祭:字面含义:堆积祭品,准备大量的祭祀供品。英语含义:stacking sacrificial offerings, preparing a large amount of sacrificial gifts.

  144. 沲摘:字面含义:在水潭边摘取,或从水潭中摘取 (例如水生植物)。英语含义:picking by a pool, or picking from a pool (e.g., aquatic plants).

  145. 沲斋:字面含义:在水潭边斋戒,或者在清静的水潭边修斋养性。英语含义:fasting by a pool, or practicing vegetarianism and self-cultivation by a tranquil pool.

  146. 沲捚:字面含义:方言,在水潭边拿,从水潭里捞取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),例如捞鱼。英语含义:dialect, taking by a pool,捞取 from a pool (if "捚" means "take, handle"), e.g.,撈取 fish.

  147. 沲宅:字面含义:水潭边的住宅,或者住宅附近有水潭。英语含义:house by a pool, or house with a pool nearby.

  148. 沲翟:字面含义:水潭与翟姓,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指翟姓人家住在水潭边,或水潭的名字与翟姓有关)。英语含义:pool and Zhai surname, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe Zhai families live by a pool or the pool's name is related to the Zhai surname).

  149. 沲择/沲擇:字面含义:在水潭边选择,或在水潭边挑选地点 (例如寻找水源地)。英语含义:choosing by a pool, or selecting a location by a pool (e.g., looking for a water source).

  150. 沲窄:字面含义:水潭狭窄,水潭范围不大。英语含义:pool is narrow, pool is not large.

  151. 沲舴:字面含义:水潭中的舴艋小船,指小船停泊在水潭里 (比较不自然的组合)。英语含义:small boat in a pool, referring to a boat parked in a pool (less natural combination).

  152. 沲债:字面含义:在水潭边还债,或者指与水潭相关的债务 (例如水利工程债务)。英语含义:repaying debt by a pool, or referring to debt related to a pool (e.g., water conservancy project debt).

  153. 沲寨:字面含义:水潭边的山寨,或者指在有水潭的山区建立的山寨。英语含义:stockade by a pool, or referring to a stockade built in a mountainous area with a pool.

  154. 沲祭:字面含义:在水潭边祭祀,或者用潭水进行祭祀仪式。英语含义:offering sacrifice by a pool, or using pool water for sacrificial rituals.

  155. 缍摘:字面含义:用锭子摘取 (不可能,锭子是纺织工具),可能是指用锭子状的工具挑取。英语含义:picking with a spindle (impossible, a spindle is a textile tool), possibly referring to picking with a spindle-shaped tool.

  156. 缍斋:字面含义:用锭子斋戒 (无意义组合)。英语含义:fasting with a spindle (meaningless combination).

  157. 缍捚:字面含义:方言,用锭子拿,用锭子状工具挑起 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),意义不明确,可能指用工具挑取东西。英语含义:dialect, taking with a spindle, picking up with a spindle-shaped tool (if "捚" means "take, handle"), unclear meaning, possibly referring to using a tool to pick up things.

  158. 缍宅:字面含义:锭子和住宅,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指纺织女工的住宅)。英语含义:spindle and house, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe the residence of a spinning worker).

  159. 缍翟:字面含义:锭子与翟姓,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指翟姓擅长纺织,或者翟姓家庭使用锭子)。英语含义:spindle and Zhai surname, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe Zhai family is skilled in textile or Zhai families use spindles).

  160. 缍择/缍擇:字面含义:用锭子选择,或比喻选择过程像纺纱一样细致。英语含义:choosing with a spindle, or metaphorically choosing process as detailed as spinning yarn.

  161. 缍窄:字面含义:锭子狭窄 (正常状态),或形容锭子加工出的丝线很细窄。英语含义:spindle is narrow (normal state), or describing the thread produced by a spindle as very narrow.

  162. 缍舴:字面含义:锭子和舴艋小船,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指小船上的纺织工具)。英语含义:spindle and small boat, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, possibly textile tools on a small boat).

  163. 缍债:字面含义:用锭子抵债 (不现实,锭子价值低),可能是指用纺织品抵债 (引申)。英语含义:repaying debt with a spindle (unrealistic, spindles are low value), possibly referring to repaying debt with textiles (extended meaning).

  164. 缍寨:字面含义:山寨生产锭子,或者山寨以纺织为业。英语含义:stockades producing spindles, or stockades relying on textile as industry.

  165. 缍祭:字面含义:用锭子祭祀 (无意义组合)。英语含义:offering sacrifice with a spindle (meaningless combination).

  166. 陏摘:字面含义:在陏地摘取,或形容摘取的地点是古地名陏。英语含义:picking in Sui (ancient place name), or describing the picking location as ancient place name Sui.

  167. 陏斋:字面含义:在陏地斋戒,或者指陏地的斋戒风俗。英语含义:fasting in Sui (ancient place name), or referring to vegetarian customs of Sui area.

  168. 陏捚:字面含义:方言,在陏地拿取,从陏地获得 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, taking in Sui (ancient place name), obtaining from Sui area (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  169. 陏宅:字面含义:陏地的住宅,或者指在陏地建造的宅院。英语含义:house in Sui (ancient place name), or referring to houses built in Sui area.

  170. 陏翟:字面含义:陏地与翟姓,可能指陏地的翟姓家族。英语含义:Sui area and Zhai surname, possibly referring to the Zhai family in the Sui area.

  171. 陏择/陏擇:字面含义:在陏地选择,或者形容在陏地进行选择。英语含义:choosing in Sui (ancient place name), or describing the act of choosing taking place in Sui area.

  172. 陏窄:字面含义:陏地狭窄,形容陏地的地域狭小 (古地名是否狭小未知)。英语含义:Sui area is narrow, describing the region of Sui as small (unknown if the ancient place name is narrow in size).

  173. 陏舴:字面含义:在陏地的舴艋小船,指在陏地水域使用的小船。英语含义:small boat in Sui area, referring to small boats used in waters of Sui area.

  174. 陏债:字面含义:陏地的债务,或者指与陏地相关的债务问题。英语含义:debt of Sui area, or referring to debt issues related to Sui area.

  175. 陏寨:字面含义:陏地的山寨,或者指在陏地建立的山寨。英语含义:stockade in Sui area, or referring to stockades built in Sui area.

  176. 陏祭:字面含义:在陏地祭祀,或者指陏地的祭祀风俗。英语含义:offering sacrifice in Sui area, or referring to sacrificial customs of Sui area.

  177. 夺摘:字面含义:争夺摘取,抢着采摘,强调争抢的摘取动作。英语含义:struggling to pick,搶奪ively picking, emphasizing competitive picking action.

  178. 夺斋:字面含义:争夺斋戒名额,或者竞争进行斋戒。英语含义:competing for fasting opportunities, competing to practice vegetarianism.

  179. 夺捚:字面含义:方言,争夺着拿,抢着抓取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),形容动作的争抢和激烈性。英语含义:dialect,抢奪ively taking,搶奪ively grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), describing competitive and intense action.

  180. 夺宅:字面含义:争夺住宅,争抢房屋,或抢占宅基地。英语含义:competing for houses,搶奪ing for residences, or搶奪ing house plots.

  181. 夺翟:字面含义:争夺姓翟的东西或资源,或家族间的姓氏资源争夺。英语含义:搶奪ing for resources of Zhai surname, or surname resource争奪 among families.

  182. 夺择/夺擇:字面含义:争夺选择权,抢夺选择的机会或优先权。英语含义:抢奪ing the right to choose,抢奪ing opportunities or priority of choice.

  183. 夺窄:字面含义:争夺狭窄空间,抢占狭小的位置 (例如争抢座位),或形容争夺使空间变得狭窄。英语含义:争奪ing narrow space,搶奪ing cramped positions (e.g.,搶奪ing seats), or describing 争奪ing causing space to become narrow.

  184. 夺舴:字面含义:争夺舴艋小船 (不太可能,但字面意义可以理解为争抢小船使用权)。英语含义:争奪ing small boats (unlikely, but literally understandable as爭奪ing boat usage rights).

  185. 夺债:字面含义:争夺债务豁免,或者在债务追讨中争抢有利地位。英语含义:爭奪ing debt relief, or搶奪ing for advantageous positions in debt collection.

  186. 夺寨:字面含义:争夺山寨控制权,攻打山寨以夺取,或寨子之间的领地争夺。英语含义:争奪ing control of a stockade, attacking a stockade to захватить, or territory爭奪 between stockades.

  187. 夺祭:字面含义:争夺祭祀主导权,抢夺祭祀的位置,或爭奪祭品。英语含义:争奪ing dominance of sacrifices,搶奪ing sacrificial positions, or 爭奪ing sacrificial offerings.

  188. 踱摘:字面含义:踱步摘取,边走边摘取,或者形容悠闲自在的摘取动作。英语含义:pacing while picking, walking and picking, or describing leisurely picking action.

  189. 踱斋:字面含义:踱步斋戒,在斋戒场所踱步,或者形容斋戒时的心境悠闲。英语含义:pacing while fasting, pacing in a vegetarian place, or describing leisurely mood during fasting.

  190. 踱捚:字面含义:方言,踱步拿着,一边踱步一边拿取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),形容悠闲的拿着东西。英语含义:dialect, pacing while taking, pacing and taking items (if "捚" means "take, handle"), describing leisurely holding things.

  191. 踱宅:字面含义:在宅院内踱步,或者悠闲地在宅院内散步。英语含义:pacing within a house, or leisurely walking in a house.

  192. 踱翟:字面含义:踱步走向姓翟的人,或者描述遇到翟姓的人时悠闲的神态。英语含义:pacing towards someone with the Zhai surname, or describing a leisurely demeanor when encountering people with the Zhai surname.

  193. 踱择/踱擇:字面含义:踱步选择,一边踱步一边思考选择,形容从容不迫的选择过程。英语含义:pacing while choosing, pacing and thinking about choices, describing a unhurried selection process.

  194. 踱窄:字面含义:踱步在狭窄的空间里,或形容在狭窄空间里踱步的局促感。英语含义:pacing in a narrow space, or describing the constrained feeling of pacing in a cramped space.

  195. 踱舴:字面含义:踱步登上舴艋小船 (不常用,字面理解为悠闲地走上小船)。英语含义:pacing onto a small boat (uncommon, literally understood as leisurely walking onto a boat).

  196. 踱债:字面含义:踱步思考债务问题,或悠闲地处理债务。英语含义:pacing while considering debt issues, or leisurely dealing with debts.

  197. 踱寨:字面含义:在山寨中踱步,或者在寨子周围悠闲漫步。英语含义:pacing in a stockade, or leisurely strolling around a stockade.

  198. 踱祭:字面含义:踱步进行祭祀,形容仪式过程舒缓庄重。英语含义:pacing during sacrifice, describing the ritual process as slow and solemn.

  199. 度摘:字面含义:有尺度地摘取,按标准采摘,或者有节制地摘取。英语含义:picking with measurement, picking according to standards, or picking with restraint.

  200. 度斋:字面含义:有节度地斋戒,有计划或适度地进行斋戒。英语含义:fasting with measure, practicing vegetarianism with planning or moderation.

  201. 度捚:字面含义:方言,有分寸地拿,把握尺度地拿取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),强调拿取时的分寸和节制。英语含义:dialect, taking with measure,把握 the limit when taking (if "捚" means "take, handle"), emphasizing appropriateness and moderation when taking.

  202. 度宅:字面含义:衡量宅院大小,或者指有规格、标准的住宅。英语含义:measuring the size of a house, or referring to houses of certain specifications or standards.

  203. 度翟:字面含义:衡量翟姓的价值或影响力 (不常用组合,比喻)。英语含义:measuring the value or influence of the Zhai surname (uncommon combination, metaphorical).

  204. 度择/度擇:字面含义:衡量选择,权衡各种选择,有标准地进行选择。英语含义:measuring choices, weighing various options, choosing with standards.

  205. 度窄:字面含义:衡量狭窄程度,测量狭窄的宽度或限制。英语含义:measuring narrowness, measuring the width or restriction of narrowness.

  206. 度舴:字面含义:测量舴艋小船的尺寸或性能。英语含义:measuring the size or performance of a small boat.

  207. 度债:字面含义:衡量债务,评估债务的程度或风险,或者计量债务数量。英语含义:measuring debts, assessing the extent or risk of debts, or quantifying debt amounts.

  208. 度寨:字面含义:衡量山寨规模,评估山寨防御能力或范围大小。英语含义:measuring stockade scale, assessing stockade defense capabilities or size.

  209. 度祭:字面含义:衡量祭祀仪式的规格或规模,有度量地进行祭祀,不铺张浪费。英语含义:measuring the specifications or scale of sacrificial rituals, performing sacrifices with measure, avoiding extravagance.

  210. 铎摘:字面含义:用铎声指挥摘取,以铃声指示采摘开始或结束。英语含义:指揮 picking with bell sounds, using bell to indicate picking start or end.

  211. 铎斋:字面含义:铎声伴随斋戒,或在清净的铃声中斋戒。英语含义:bell sounds accompanying fasting, or fasting amidst peaceful bell sounds.

  212. 铎捚:字面含义:方言,用铎声示意拿取,通过摇铃发出信号来取东西 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, signaling taking with bell sounds, using bell ringing to signal to take things (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  213. 铎宅:字面含义:铃声传到宅院,或者在宅院门口悬挂铃铛。英语含义:bell sounds reaching a house, or hanging bells at a house entrance.

  214. 铎翟:字面含义:铎声与翟姓,可能指翟姓人家以铃声为号,或者姓翟的家族以铃声作为家族象征。英语含义:bell sounds and Zhai surname, possibly indicating Zhai families using bell sounds as signals or the Zhai family using bell sounds as a family symbol.

  215. 铎择/铎擇:字面含义:用铎声来选择,通过摇铃选择 (例如古代卜筮时摇铃指示),或者用铃声选择吉日。英语含义:choosing with bell sounds, choosing by ringing bells (e.g., using bells in ancient divination to indicate direction), or using bell sounds to choose auspicious days.

  216. 铎窄:字面含义:铃声细微,铃声传播范围狭窄。英语含义:bell sounds subtle, bell sounds propagate within a narrow range.

  217. 铎舴:字面含义:舴艋小船上悬挂铎铃,或小船行驶时铃声响起。英语含义:small boat hanging a bell, or bell sounds ringing when a boat sails.

  218. 铎债:字面含义:以铎声提醒还债,用铃声催债,或者通过铃声通知债务到期。英语含义:reminding debt repayment with bell sounds,催 debt payment using bells, or using bell sounds to notify debt maturity.

  219. 铎寨:字面含义:山寨用铎声示警,或者山寨内以铃声传递信号。英语含义:stockades using bell sounds for alarm, or stockades using bell sounds to transmit signals.

  220. 铎祭:字面含义:祭祀仪式中使用铎铃,或者在庄严的铃声中进行祭祀。英语含义:using bells in sacrificial rituals, or performing sacrifices amidst solemn bell sounds.

  221. 敚摘:字面含义:击打摘取,用敲击的方式采摘,或者粗暴地摘取。英语含义:striking and picking, picking by knocking, or roughly picking.

  222. 敚斋:字面含义:击打斋戒的器物 (不理解意义,可能是惩罚破坏斋戒者),或者粗暴地对待斋戒。英语含义:striking vegetarian fasting items (unclear meaning, possibly punishing violators of vegetarianism), or treating vegetarianism roughly.

  223. 敚捚:字面含义:方言,击打并拿走,粗暴地敲打着抢走 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, striking and taking away, roughly hitting and抢奪ing (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  224. 敚宅:字面含义:击打住宅,攻击房屋,或者暴力破门而入。英语含义:striking a house, attacking a house, or violently breaking into a house.

  225. 敚翟:字面含义:击打翟姓的人 (暴力行为)。英语含义:striking people with the Zhai surname (violent act).

  226. 敚择/敚擇:字面含义:击打选择的目标,暴力干预选择,或者强行否定别人的选择。英语含义:striking the object of choice, violently interfering with choice, or forcefully denying someone else's choice.

  227. 敚窄:字面含义:击打狭窄之处,破坏狭窄的通道,或者将狭窄的空间强行扩宽 (例如用工具击打)。英语含义:striking narrow places,破坏 narrow passages, or forcefully widening narrow spaces (e.g., using tools to strike).

  228. 敚舴:字面含义:击打舴艋小船 (破坏小船)。英语含义:striking a small boat (damaging a small boat).

  229. 敚债:字面含义:击打债务人,暴力催债,或者损毁债务凭证。英语含义:striking debtors, violently demanding debt repayment, or damaging debt certificates.

  230. 敚寨:字面含义:击打寨墙,攻击山寨,破坏山寨防御工事。英语含义:striking stockade walls, attacking a stockade,破壊ing stockade fortifications.

  231. 敚祭:字面含义:击打祭祀用的器物,亵渎祭祀,或者粗暴对待祭祀仪式。英语含义:striking sacrificial items, desecrating sacrifice, or treating sacrificial rituals roughly.

  232. 揣摘:字面含义:揣摩如何摘取,思考摘取的技巧或方法。英语含义:pondering how to pick, thinking about picking techniques or methods.

  233. 揣斋:字面含义:揣摩斋戒的意义,思考斋戒的内涵和方式,或揣测斋戒的意图。英语含义:pondering the meaning of vegetarianism, thinking about the essence and ways of vegetarianism, or揣測ing the intent of vegetarianism.

  234. 揣捚:字面含义:方言,揣摩着拿,思考如何抓取,或者试探着拿 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, ponderingly taking, thinking about how to grab, or tentatively taking (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  235. 揣宅:字面含义:揣摩住宅风水,考察住宅的吉凶,或者思量建宅之事。英语含义:pondering house Feng Shui, examining the fortune of a house, or considering matters of building a house.

  236. 揣翟:字面含义:揣摩翟姓的心思,或者推测与翟姓相关的情况 (例如家族秘密)。英语含义:揣摩ing the mind of the Zhai surname, or推測ing situations related to the Zhai surname (e.g., family secrets).

  237. 揣择/揣擇:字面含义:揣摩如何选择,仔细思考选择,或掂量各种选择的利弊。英语含义:揣摩ing how to choose, carefully thinking about choice, or weighing the pros and cons of various choices.

  238. 揣窄:字面含义:揣摩狭窄的空间,思量如何在狭窄的环境中生存或活动。英语含义:揣摩ing narrow spaces, thinking about how to live or act in cramped environments.

  239. 揣舴:字面含义:揣摩如何驾驶舴艋小船,或研究小船的性能和操控方法。英语含义:揣摩ing how to operate a small boat, or studying the performance and operation of a small boat.

  240. 揣债:字面含义:揣摩债务情况,思考如何偿还债务,或者担忧债务的后果。英语含义:揣摩ing debt situation, thinking about how to repay debts, or worrying about the consequences of debts.

  241. 揣寨:字面含义:揣摩山寨的地形,研究如何攻打或防守山寨,或揣测山寨的秘密。英语含义:揣摩ing stockade terrain, studying how to attack or defend a stockade, or 揣測ing stockade secrets.

  242. 揣祭:字面含义:揣摩祭祀的含义,思考祭祀的目的和意义,或者揣测祭祀仪式的深层含义。英语含义:揣摩ing the meaning of sacrifice, thinking about the purpose and significance of sacrifice, or揣測ing the deep meaning of sacrificial rituals.

  243. 朵摘:字面含义:花朵采摘,摘取花朵。英语含义:flower picking, picking flowers.

  244. 朵斋:字面含义:花朵供奉于斋堂,用鲜花装饰斋堂,或者指像花朵一样清净的斋戒之心。英语含义:flowers offered in a vegetarian hall, decorating a vegetarian hall with flowers, or referring to a vegetarian heart as pure as a flower.

  245. 朵捚:字面含义:方言,像花朵一样拿着 (形容轻拿轻放,珍视),或者用花朵装饰拿着的东西 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, holding like flowers (describing gentle handling, cherishing), or decorating held items with flowers (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  246. 朵宅:字面含义:花朵装点的住宅,花园住宅,或者形容住宅如花朵般美丽。英语含义:house decorated with flowers, garden house, or describing a house as beautiful as flowers.

  247. 朵翟:字面含义:花朵和翟姓,可能指翟姓女子如花朵般美丽,或翟姓喜爱花朵。英语含义:flowers and Zhai surname, possibly referring to Zhai women as beautiful as flowers, or the Zhai surname family's fondness for flowers.

  248. 朵择/朵擇:字面含义:如花朵般选择,像选择花朵一样精心挑选,或者选择如花朵般美好的事物。英语含义:choosing like flowers, choosing as carefully as selecting flowers, or choosing things as beautiful as flowers.

  249. 朵窄:字面含义:花朵狭小 (指小花朵),或花朵点缀在狭小的空间。英语含义:flower narrow (referring to small flowers), or flowers dotting narrow spaces.

  250. 朵舴:字面含义:舴艋小船装饰花朵,或小船如花朵般轻盈。英语含义:small boat decorated with flowers, or boat as light and delicate as flowers.

  251. 朵债:字面含义:花朵般的债务 (不合理组合),比喻债务如鲜花般脆弱易逝 (不常见比喻)。英语含义:flower-like debts (unreasonable combination), metaphorically debts as fragile and fleeting as flowers (uncommon metaphor).

  252. 朵寨:字面含义:花朵装点的山寨,如花园般的山寨,或者形容山寨景色优美如花。英语含义:stockade decorated with flowers, garden-like stockade, or describing a stockade view as beautiful as flowers.

  253. 朵祭:字面含义:用花朵祭祀,用鲜花作为祭品,或者形容祭祀仪式如花朵般美好。英语含义:sacrificing with flowers, using fresh flowers as offerings, or describing sacrificial rituals as beautiful as flowers.

  254. 躲摘:(重复词组,与条目78 “躲摘” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避摘取,逃避摘取的任务或责任。英语含义:evading picking, avoiding the task or responsibility of picking.

  255. 躲斋:(重复词组,与条目79 “躲斋” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避斋戒,逃避斋戒的约束或义务。英语含义:evading fasting, avoiding the restraints or obligations of fasting.

  256. 躲捚:(重复词组,与条目80 “躲捚” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:方言,躲开并拿着,避开但仍然抓住 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),意义模糊,可能指在躲藏中仍然抓着某物。英语含义:dialect, evading but taking, avoiding but still grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle"), ambiguous meaning, maybe holding onto something while hiding.

  257. 躲宅:(重复词组,与条目81 “躲宅” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避住宅,逃离居所,或者避开与住宅相关的事情。英语含义:evading residence, fleeing home, avoiding things related to housing.

  258. 躲翟:(重复词组,与条目82 “躲翟” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避姓翟的人,或逃避与翟姓有关的麻烦。英语含义:evading people with the Zhai surname, avoiding trouble related to the Zhai family.

  259. 躲择/躲擇:(重复词组,与条目83 “躲择/躲擇” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避选择,逃避做出选择,或者回避选择的机会。英语含义:evading choice, avoiding making a selection, shunning the opportunity to choose.

  260. 躲窄:(重复词组,与条目84 “躲窄” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避狭窄,避开狭小的空间或狭隘的境地。英语含义:evading narrowness, avoiding cramped spaces or narrow-minded situations.

  261. 躲舴:(重复词组,与条目85 “躲舴” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避舴艋小船 (意义不明确,可能害怕乘坐小船,或避开与小船相关的危险)。英语含义:evading a small boat (unclear meaning, possibly afraid of riding a small boat or avoiding danger related to small boats).

  262. 躲债:(重复词组,与条目86 “躲债” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避债务,逃避还债的责任或债主的追讨。英语含义:evading debts, avoiding the responsibility of repayment or the pursuit of creditors.

  263. 躲寨:(重复词组,与条目87 “躲寨” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避山寨,避开山寨的势力或危险。英语含义:evading a stockade, avoiding the influence or dangers of a stockade.

  264. 躲祭:(重复词组,与条目88 “躲祭” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:躲避祭祀,逃避参与祭祀活动。英语含义:evading sacrifices, avoiding participation in sacrificial activities.

  265. 垛摘:(重复词组,与条目133 “垛摘” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在货物堆上摘取,或在垛子上采摘水果等。英语含义:picking on a stack of goods, picking fruits etc. from a pile.

  266. 垛斋:(重复词组,与条目134 “垛斋” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积斋戒食物,储备斋戒期间的食物。英语含义:stacking vegetarian fasting food, stocking up on food for vegetarian fasting.

  267. 垛捚:(重复词组,与条目135 “垛捚” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:方言,堆积起来拿,把货物堆成垛并拿走 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, stacking up and taking, piling goods into stacks and taking them away (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  268. 垛宅:(重复词组,与条目136 “垛宅” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:房屋堆积成垛,指房屋密集。英语含义:houses piled up like stacks, referring to dense housing.

  269. 垛翟:(重复词组,与条目137 “垛翟” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:姓翟的人堆积成垛 (意义不明,可能指翟姓人家众多且聚集)。英语含义:people with the Zhai surname piled up like stacks (unclear meaning, maybe many Zhai families and they are clustered together).

  270. 垛择/垛擇:(重复词组,与条目138 “垛择/垛擇” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积选择,把选择项堆积起来,数量众多的选择。英语含义:stacking up choices, piling up options for selection, numerous choices.

  271. 垛窄:(重复词组,与条目139 “垛窄” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积狭窄的东西 (例如把狭窄的木板堆起来),形容物品堆积但空间狭小。英语含义:stacking narrow things (e.g., stacking narrow planks), describing piled items but in a cramped space.

  272. 垛舴:(重复词组,与条目140 “垛舴” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积舴艋小船 (不可能,字面理解为堆积小船模型或船上的物件)。英语含义:stacking small boats (impossible, literally understood as stacking small boat models or items on boats).

  273. 垛债:(重复词组,与条目141 “垛债” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积债务凭证,表示积累了大量债务。英语含义:stacking debt certificates, indicating accumulated large debts.

  274. 垛寨:(重复词组,与条目142 “垛寨” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:寨墙堆积成垛,形容寨墙高耸。英语含义:stockade walls piled up like stacks, describing high and imposing stockade walls.

  275. 垛祭:(重复词组,与条目143 “垛祭” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:堆积祭品,准备大量的祭祀供品。英语含义:stacking sacrificial offerings, preparing a large amount of sacrificial gifts.

  276. 沲摘:(重复词组,与条目144 “沲摘” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在水潭边摘取,或从水潭中摘取 (例如水生植物)。英语含义:picking by a pool, or picking from a pool (e.g., aquatic plants).

  277. 沲斋:(重复词组,与条目145 “沲斋” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在水潭边斋戒,或者在清静的水潭边修斋养性。英语含义:fasting by a pool, or practicing vegetarianism and self-cultivation by a tranquil pool.

  278. 沲捚:(重复词组,与条目146 “沲捚” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:方言,在水潭边拿,从水潭里捞取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),例如捞鱼。英语含义:dialect, taking by a pool,撈取 from a pool (if "捚" means "take, handle"), e.g.,撈取 fish.

  279. 沲宅:(重复词组,与条目147 “沲宅” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:水潭边的住宅,或者住宅附近有水潭。英语含义:house by a pool, or house with a pool nearby.

  280. 沲翟:(重复词组,与条目148 “沲翟” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:水潭与翟姓,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指翟姓人家住在水潭边,或水潭的名字与翟姓有关)。英语含义:pool and Zhai surname, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe Zhai families live by a pool or the pool's name is related to the Zhai surname).

  281. 沲择/沲擇:(重复词组,与条目149 “沲择/沲擇” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在水潭边选择,或在水潭边挑选地点 (例如寻找水源地)。英语含义:choosing by a pool, or selecting a location by a pool (e.g., looking for a water source).

  282. 沲窄:(重复词组,与条目150 “沲窄” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:水潭狭窄,水潭范围不大。英语含义:pool is narrow, pool is not large.

  283. 沲舴:(重复词组,与条目151 “沲舴” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:水潭中的舴艋小船,指小船停泊在水潭里 (比较不自然的组合)。英语含义:small boat in a pool, referring to a boat parked in a pool (less natural combination).

  284. 沲债:(重复词组,与条目152 “沲债” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在水潭边还债,或者指与水潭相关的债务 (例如水利工程债务)。英语含义:repaying debt by a pool, or referring to debt related to a pool (e.g., water conservancy project debt).

  285. 沲寨:(重复词组,与条目153 “沲寨” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:水潭边的山寨,或者指在有水潭的山区建立的山寨。英语含义:stockade by a pool, or referring to a stockade built in a mountainous area with a pool.

  286. 沲祭:(重复词组,与条目154 “沲祭” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在水潭边祭祀,或者用潭水进行祭祀仪式。英语含义:offering sacrifice by a pool, or using pool water for sacrificial rituals.

  287. 缍摘:(重复词组,与条目155 “缍摘” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:用锭子摘取 (不可能,锭子是纺织工具),可能是指用锭子状的工具挑取。英语含义:picking with a spindle (impossible, a spindle is a textile tool), possibly referring to picking with a spindle-shaped tool.

  288. 缍斋:(重复词组,与条目156 “缍斋” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:用锭子斋戒 (无意义组合)。英语含义:fasting with a spindle (meaningless combination).

  289. 缍捚:(重复词组,与条目157 “缍捚” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:方言,用锭子拿,用锭子状工具挑起 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),意义不明确,可能指用工具挑取东西。英语含义:dialect, taking with a spindle, picking up with a spindle-shaped tool (if "捚" means "take, handle"), unclear meaning, possibly referring to using a tool to pick up things.

  290. 缍宅:(重复词组,与条目158 “缍宅” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:锭子和住宅,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指纺织女工的住宅)。英语含义:spindle and house, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe the residence of a spinning worker).

  291. 缍翟:(重复词组,与条目159 “缍翟” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:锭子与翟姓,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指翟姓擅长纺织,或者翟姓家庭使用锭子)。英语含义:spindle and Zhai surname, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, maybe Zhai family is skilled in textile or Zhai families use spindles).

  292. 缍择/缍擇:(重复词组,与条目160 “缍择/缍擇” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:用锭子选择,或比喻选择过程像纺纱一样细致。英语含义:choosing with a spindle, or metaphorically choosing process as detailed as spinning yarn.

  293. 缍窄:(重复词组,与条目161 “缍窄” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:锭子狭窄 (正常状态),或形容锭子加工出的丝线很细窄。英语含义:spindle is narrow (normal state), or describing the thread produced by a spindle as very narrow.

  294. 缍舴:(重复词组,与条目162 “缍舴” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:锭子和舴艋小船,二者并列 (意义不明,可能指小船上的纺织工具)。英语含义:spindle and small boat, juxtaposed (unclear meaning, possibly textile tools on a small boat).

  295. 缍债:(重复词组,与条目163 “缍债” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:用锭子抵债 (不现实,锭子价值低),可能是指用纺织品抵债 (引申)。英语含义:repaying debt with a spindle (unrealistic, spindles are low value), possibly referring to repaying debt with textiles (extended meaning).

  296. 缍寨:(重复词组,与条目164 “缍寨” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:山寨生产锭子,或者山寨以纺织为业。英语含义:stockades producing spindles, or stockades relying on textile as industry.

  297. 缍祭:(重复词组,与条目165 “缍祭” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:用锭子祭祀 (无意义组合)。英语含义:offering sacrifice with a spindle (meaningless combination).

  298. 陏摘:(重复词组,与条目166 “陏摘” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在陏地摘取,或形容摘取的地点是古地名陏。英语含义:picking in Sui (ancient place name), or describing the picking location as ancient place name Sui.

  299. 陏斋:(重复词组,与条目167 “陏斋” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在陏地斋戒,或者指陏地的斋戒风俗。英语含义:fasting in Sui (ancient place name), or referring to vegetarian customs of Sui area.

  300. 陏捚:(重复词组,与条目168 “陏捚” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:方言,在陏地拿取,从陏地获得 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, taking in Sui (ancient place name), obtaining from Sui area (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  301. 陏宅:(重复词组,与条目169 “陏宅” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:陏地的住宅,或者指在陏地建造的宅院。英语含义:house in Sui (ancient place name), or referring to houses built in Sui area.

  302. 陏翟:(重复词组,与条目170 “陏翟” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:陏地与翟姓,可能指陏地的翟姓家族。英语含义:Sui area and Zhai surname, possibly referring to the Zhai family in the Sui area.

  303. 陏择/陏擇:(重复词组,与条目171 “陏择/陏擇” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在陏地选择,或者形容在陏地进行选择。英语含义:choosing in Sui (ancient place name), or describing the act of choosing taking place in Sui area.

  304. 陏窄:(重复词组,与条目172 “陏窄” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:陏地狭窄,形容陏地的地域狭小 (古地名是否狭小未知)。英语含义:Sui area is narrow, describing the region of Sui as small (unknown if the ancient place name is narrow in size).

  305. 陏舴:(重复词组,与条目173 “陏舴” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在陏地的舴艋小船,指在陏地水域使用的小船。英语含义:small boat in Sui area, referring to small boats used in waters of Sui area.

  306. 陏债:(重复词组,与条目174 “陏债” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:陏地的债务,或者指与陏地相关的债务问题。英语含义:debt of Sui area, or referring to debt issues related to Sui area.

  307. 陏寨:(重复词组,与条目175 “陏寨” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:陏地的山寨,或者指在陏地建立的山寨。英语含义:stockade in Sui area, or referring to stockades built in Sui area.

  308. 陏祭:(重复词组,与条目176 “陏祭” 字面含义相同,不再重复解释)。 字面含义:在陏地祭祀,或者指陏地的祭祀风俗。英语含义:offering sacrifice in Sui area, or referring to sacrificial customs of Sui area.

  309. 宅摘:字面含义:在住宅附近摘取,或者在家中花园采摘。英语含义:picking near a house, or picking in a home garden.

  310. 宅斋:字面含义:居家斋戒,在家中进行斋戒。英语含义:fasting at home, practicing vegetarianism at home.

  311. 宅捚:字面含义:方言,在家中拿,在家里取用 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, taking at home, taking items for use at home (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  312. 宅宅:字面含义:住宅的住宅 (指主屋与附属住宅,或者宅院深深),房屋连绵。英语含义:house of a house (referring to main house and ancillary houses, or deep courtyard), houses connected continuously.

  313. 宅翟:字面含义:翟姓的住宅,姓翟的人家。英语含义:residence of the Zhai surname, house of the Zhai family.

  314. 宅择/宅擇:字面含义:住宅的选择,选择住所地点,或者在宅院里进行选择 (例如挑选花木)。英语含义:house selection, choosing house location, or choosing within a house (e.g., selecting flowers and trees).

  315. 宅窄:字面含义:住宅狭窄,居住空间狭小。英语含义:house narrow, living space is cramped.

  316. 宅舴:字面含义:住宅里的舴艋小船 (不太可能,可能指小船模型或装饰)。英语含义:small boat in a house (unlikely, possibly referring to boat models or decorations).

  317. 宅债:字面含义:住宅的债务,与房屋相关的贷款或抵押债务。英语含义:house debt, loan or mortgage debt related to a house.

  318. 宅寨:字面含义:住宅如山寨,房屋如同防御工事,或指依山而建的住宅区。英语含义:house like a stockade, houses resembling fortifications, or residential area built along mountainsides.

  319. 宅祭:字面含义:在家中祭祀,家庭祭祀。英语含义:sacrificing at home, family sacrifice.

  320. 翟摘:字面含义:翟姓人摘取,或者摘取翟氏家族的物品。英语含义:Zhai family picking, or picking items belonging to the Zhai family.

  321. 翟斋:字面含义:翟姓人斋戒,翟氏家族的斋戒传统。英语含义:Zhai family vegetarianism, vegetarian tradition of the Zhai family.

  322. 翟捚:字面含义:方言,翟姓人拿着,翟氏家族掌控 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, Zhai family taking, Zhai family controlling (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  323. 翟宅:字面含义:翟姓人的住宅,翟氏家族的宅院。英语含义:residence of the Zhai surname, house of the Zhai family.

  324. 翟翟:字面含义:翟姓和翟姓 (重复姓氏,可能指翟氏家族的成员或组织)。英语含义:Zhai surname and Zhai surname (repeated surname, possibly referring to members or organization of the Zhai family).

  325. 翟择/翟擇:字面含义:翟姓人选择,翟氏家族的选择,或翟氏家族选择继承人等。英语含义:Zhai family choosing, choices of the Zhai family, or Zhai family choosing heirs, etc.

  326. 翟窄:字面含义:翟姓的眼界狭窄,翟氏家族的胸襟不开阔。英语含义:Zhai family narrow-minded, illiberal minded family of Zhai surname.

  327. 翟舴:字面含义:翟姓人的舴艋小船,或者翟氏家族拥有的小船 (较罕用)。英语含义:small boat of the Zhai surname, small boat owned by the Zhai family (less common).

  328. 翟债:字面含义:翟姓的债务,翟氏家族的债务负担。英语含义:debts of the Zhai surname, debt burden of the Zhai family.

  329. 翟寨:字面含义:翟姓的山寨,翟氏家族建立或控制的山寨。英语含义:stockade of the Zhai surname, stockade built or controlled by the Zhai family.

  330. 翟祭:字面含义:翟姓的祭祀,翟氏家族的祭祀仪式。英语含义:sacrifice of the Zhai surname, sacrificial rituals of the Zhai family.

  331. 择摘/擇摘:字面含义:选择并摘取,精心挑选后采摘,精挑细选。英语含义:selecting and picking, carefully picking after selection, 精挑细选 - meticulously selected.

  332. 择斋/擇斋:字面含义:选择斋戒,自愿选择斋戒修行,或者挑选斋戒场所。英语含义:choosing vegetarianism, voluntarily choosing to practice vegetarianism, or selecting vegetarian places.

  333. 择捚/擇捚:字面含义:方言,选择着拿,挑选后拿取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),强调经过挑选后的拿取。英语含义:dialect, choosing and taking, taking after selection (if "捚" means "take, handle"), emphasizing taking after careful selection.

  334. 择宅/擇宅:字面含义:选择住宅,挑选居住地,选择房产。英语含义:choosing a house, selecting a residence location, choosing real estate.

  335. 择翟/擇翟:字面含义:选择翟姓 (不明含义,可能指选择翟姓家族结亲或依附)。英语含义:choosing Zhai surname (unclear meaning, possibly referring to choosing Zhai family for marriage alliance or affiliation).

  336. 择择/擇擇:字面含义:选择和选择 (重复,强调反复选择,精挑细选,慎之又慎)。英语含义:choosing and choosing (repeated, emphasizing repeated selection, meticulous selection, extremely careful selection).

  337. 择窄/擇窄:字面含义:选择狭窄的道路或空间,有意选择局限性强的环境,或者形容选择范围狭窄。英语含义:choosing a narrow path or space, intentionally choosing limited environments, or describing selection range as narrow.

  338. 择舴/擇舴:字面含义:选择乘坐舴艋小船,或者在多种交通工具中选择小船 (罕见选择)。英语含义:choosing to ride a small boat, or selecting a small boat among various transportation options (rare choice).

  339. 择债/擇债:字面含义:选择债务,自愿承担债务责任,或者权衡后选择借债。英语含义:choosing debts, voluntarily taking on debt responsibilities, or choosing to borrow money after weighing options.

  340. 择寨/擇寨:字面含义:选择山寨居住,挑选山寨作为居住地,或者在多个山寨中选择 (罕见场景)。英语含义:choosing to live in a stockade, selecting a stockade as residence, or choosing among multiple stockades (rare scenario).

  341. 择祭/擇祭:字面含义:选择祭祀方式,挑选合适的祭祀仪式,或者精选祭祀的贡品。英语含义:choosing a sacrifice method, selecting appropriate sacrificial rituals, or meticulously selecting sacrificial offerings.

  342. 窄摘:字面含义:狭窄地摘取,在狭小空间内摘取,或者小心翼翼地少量摘取。英语含义:narrowly picking, picking in a cramped space, or cautiously picking a small amount.

  343. 窄斋:字面含义:在狭窄的斋堂斋戒,或者在简朴清苦的条件下斋戒,或指斋戒心境狭隘。英语含义:fasting in a narrow vegetarian hall, or fasting under simple and austere conditions, or referring to narrow-minded vegetarianism.

  344. 窄捚:字面含义:方言,狭窄地拿,小心地拿起,或者指抓取的空间狭小 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, narrowly taking, carefully picking up, or referring to a narrow space for grabbing (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  345. 窄宅:字面含义:狭窄的住宅,居住空间拥挤的房子。英语含义:narrow house, house with cramped living space.

  346. 窄翟:字面含义:狭窄和翟姓 (无实际意义)。英语含义:narrow and Zhai surname (no practical meaning).

  347. 窄择/窄擇:字面含义:狭窄的选择,选择范围很小,或者可选项很有限。英语含义:narrow choice, selection range is small, or options are very limited.

  348. 窄窄:字面含义:非常狭窄,极其狭小 (重复形容词,强调狭窄程度)。英语含义:very narrow, extremely cramped (repeated adjective, emphasizing the degree of narrowness).

  349. 窄舴:字面含义:狭小的舴艋小船,小型舴艋舟 (或者形容小船空间狭窄)。英语含义:narrow small boat, small-sized boat (or describing a boat with cramped space).

  350. 窄债:字面含义:狭隘的债务,小数额债务,或者形容债务范围有限。英语含义:narrow debt, small amount of debt, or describing debt scope as limited.

  351. 窄寨:字面含义:狭小的山寨,小型村寨,或寨墙范围狭窄。英语含义:narrow stockade, small village, or stockade with narrow walls.

  352. 窄祭:字面含义:简朴的祭祀,小型祭祀仪式,或者指祭祀场地狭窄。英语含义:simple sacrifice, small-scale sacrificial rituals, or referring to narrow sacrificial sites.

  353. 舴摘:字面含义:乘坐舴艋小船摘取 (例如在水上摘取莲蓬)。英语含义:picking while riding a small boat (e.g., picking lotus pods on water).

  354. 舴斋:字面含义:在舴艋小船上斋戒 (水上斋戒),或者指小船环境清静适宜斋戒。英语含义:fasting on a small boat (water vegetarianism), or referring to a boat environment being tranquil and suitable for vegetarianism.

  355. 舴捚:字面含义:方言,在舴艋小船上拿,在船上取用物品 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, taking on a small boat, taking items for use on a boat (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  356. 舴宅:字面含义:舴艋小船和住宅 (并列,不常见组合,可能指拥有小船的船户的住宅,或者宅院旁停靠小船)。英语含义:small boat and house (juxtaposed, uncommon combination, possibly referring to the house of boat-dwelling people or a boat parked next to a house).

  357. 舴翟:字面含义:舴艋小船和翟姓 (并列,无直接联系,意义不明确)。英语含义:small boat and Zhai surname (juxtaposed, no direct connection, unclear meaning).

  358. 舴择/舴擇:字面含义:选择舴艋小船,在水路交通中选择小船,或在船上进行选择 (例如挑选货物)。英语含义:choosing a small boat, choosing a boat for water transportation, or choosing things while on a boat (e.g., selecting cargo).

  359. 舴窄:字面含义:舴艋小船狭窄,形容小船内部空间有限。英语含义:small boat narrow, describing limited space inside a small boat.

  360. 舴舴:字面含义:舴艋小船的舴艋小船 (重复,意义不清晰,可能指非常小的舴艋舟)。英语含义:small boat of a small boat (repeated, meaning unclear, possibly referring to a very small small boat).

  361. 舴债:字面含义:用舴艋小船抵债 (罕见情况,小船价值较低),或者指与小船相关的债务 (例如造船贷款)。英语含义:repaying debt with a small boat (rare situation, boats have low value), or referring to debt related to a small boat (e.g., boat-building loan).

  362. 舴寨:字面含义:舴艋小船和山寨 (并列,可能指山寨附近的水路有小船使用,或水寨)。英语含义:small boat and stockade (juxtaposed, possibly referring to water routes near a stockade with boat use, or water stockade).

  363. 舴祭:字面含义:在舴艋小船上祭祀,或者用小船作为祭祀仪式的一部分 (例如水上祭祀)。英语含义:sacrificing on a small boat, or using a boat as part of sacrificial rituals (e.g., water sacrifice).

  364. 债摘:字面含义:为了偿还债务而摘取,或者用摘取的物品来还债。英语含义:picking for debt repayment, or using picked items to repay debt.

  365. 债斋:字面含义:欠债斋戒,斋戒期间仍然有债务在身,或者用斋戒来赎罪偿还债务 (引申意义)。英语含义:debt during vegetarianism, still having debts during vegetarian fasting, or using vegetarianism to atone for sins and repay debts (extended meaning).

  366. 债捚:字面含义:方言,债务拿走,用债务作为条件拿走东西,或用债务抵押换取 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”)。英语含义:dialect, debt taking away, using debt as condition to take things, or mortgaging with debt for exchange (if "捚" means "take, handle").

  367. 债宅:字面含义:因债务而出卖宅院,或者住宅抵押贷款。英语含义:selling a house due to debt, or house mortgage loans.

  368. 债翟:字面含义:债务和翟姓 (可能指翟姓人负债累累,或者与翟姓人有关的债务纠纷)。英语含义:debt and Zhai surname (possibly referring to the Zhai family being heavily in debt or debt disputes related to the Zhai family).

  369. 债择/债擇:字面含义:债务选择,在多种债务中选择 (例如选择先偿还哪笔),或者选择借债。英语含义:debt choice, choosing among multiple debts (e.g., choosing which debt to repay first), or choosing to borrow money.

  370. 债窄:字面含义:债务狭窄,债务压力不大,或指债务范围有限,负债规模小。英语含义:debt narrow, debt pressure is not high, or referring to limited debt scope, small scale of debt.

  371. 债舴:字面含义:用债务购买舴艋小船 (经济状况不佳),或者因债务不得不卖掉小船。英语含义:buying a small boat with debt (poor economic condition), or being forced to sell a boat due to debt.

  372. 债债:字面含义:债务和债务 (重复,强调债务缠身,债台高筑,债务累积)。英语含义:debt and debt (repeated, emphasizing being burdened by debt, tower of debt, accumulated debts).

  373. 债寨:字面含义:山寨的债务,寨子的经济负债,或者因山寨而产生的债务 (例如战乱或建设)。英语含义:debt of a stockade, economic debt of a village, or debt generated due to a stockade (e.g., war or construction).

  374. 债祭:字面含义:为偿还债务而祭祀,希望通过祭祀减轻债务压力,或因债务问题而无心祭祀 (不诚心)。英语含义:sacrificing to repay debts, hoping to alleviate debt pressure through sacrifice, or being too preoccupied with debt for sincere sacrifice (insincere).

  375. 寨摘:字面含义:在山寨里摘取,或者指山寨周边的采摘活动 (例如采集山货)。英语含义:picking in a stockade, or referring to picking activities around a stockade (e.g., collecting mountain products).

  376. 寨斋:字面含义:山寨中的斋戒,寨民的斋戒习俗,或者在山寨环境下的简朴斋戒。英语含义:vegetarianism in a stockade, vegetarian customs of stockade residents, or simple vegetarianism in a stockade environment.

  377. 寨捚:字面含义:方言,在山寨中拿,从寨子里取出东西 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),例如提取山寨物资或缴获战利品。英语含义:dialect, taking in a stockade, taking items from a stockade (if "捚" means "take, handle"), e.g., extracting stockade materials or seizing spoils of war.

  378. 寨宅:字面含义:山寨中的住宅,寨子里的民居,或指依山而建的寨民房屋。英语含义:houses in a stockade, residences in a village, or referring to houses built in a mountain village.

  379. 寨翟:字面含义:山寨和翟姓 (可能指翟姓的山寨,或翟姓家族居住的山寨)。英语含义:stockade and Zhai surname (possibly referring to a Zhai family stockade, or a stockade inhabited by the Zhai family).

  380. 寨择/寨擇:字面含义:山寨的选择,选择居住在山寨,或者挑选山寨位置 (例如建寨选址)。英语含义:stockade choice, choosing to live in a stockade, or selecting a stockade location (e.g., choosing site for stockade construction).

  381. 寨窄:字面含义:山寨狭窄,寨子规模小,寨内空间狭小。英语含义:stockade narrow, stockade scale is small, space inside stockade is cramped.

  382. 寨舴:字面含义:山寨和舴艋小船 (可能指山寨附近有水路交通,使用小船),或水寨的一种 (较不常见用法)。英语含义:stockade and small boat (possibly referring to water transportation near a stockade, using small boats), or a type of water stockade (less common usage).

  383. 寨债:字面含义:山寨的债务,山寨经济困难,或寨民负债情况。英语含义:debt of a stockade, stockade facing economic hardship, or debt situation of stockade residents.

  384. 寨寨:字面含义:山寨和山寨 (重复,指多个山寨,连绵成片的山寨群)。英语含义:stockade and stockade (repeated, referring to multiple stockades, continuous range of stockades).

  385. 寨祭:字面含义:山寨的祭祀,寨民举行的祭祀活动,或在山寨内的祭祀场所。英语含义:sacrifice of a stockade, sacrificial activities held by stockade residents, or sacrificial sites within a stockade.

  386. 祭摘:字面含义:祭祀时摘取祭品 (例如摘取水果或树叶作为祭品)。英语含义:picking offerings during sacrifice (e.g., picking fruits or leaves as sacrificial offerings).

  387. 祭斋:字面含义:祭祀前的斋戒,为祭祀进行斋戒洁身,表示敬意,或斋戒的心意用于祭祀。英语含义:vegetarianism before sacrifice, practicing vegetarianism to purify body before sacrifice, showing respect, or vegetarian intention for sacrifice.

  388. 祭捚:字面含义:方言,祭祀时拿起祭品,奉上祭品 (如果理解“捚”为“把、将”),指在祭祀仪式中呈献供品。英语含义:dialect, taking sacrificial offerings during sacrifice, offering sacrificial items (if "捚" means "take, handle"), referring to presenting offerings in a sacrificial ritual.

  389. 祭宅:字面含义:祭祀场所和住宅 (可能指家庙,宗祠等祭祀与居住功能结合的场所)。英语含义:sacrificial place and house (possibly referring to family temples, ancestral halls, etc., places combining sacrificial and residential functions).

  390. 祭翟:字面含义:祭祀和翟姓 (可能指翟姓家族的祭祀,或祭祀翟姓祖先)。英语含义:sacrifice and Zhai surname (possibly referring to sacrifices of the Zhai family, or sacrifices to Zhai surname ancestors).

  391. 祭择/祭擇:字面含义:祭祀的选择,挑选祭祀吉日,或者选择祭祀的地点和贡品。英语含义:choice of sacrifice, selecting auspicious days for sacrifice, or choosing sacrificial locations and offerings.

  392. 祭窄:字面含义:祭祀场地狭窄,祭祀规模不大,或祭祀用品简朴节俭。英语含义:sacrificial site narrow, sacrificial scale is not large, or sacrificial items are simple and thrifty.

  393. 祭舴:字面含义:祭祀用的舴艋小船 (水上祭祀仪式使用的小船,或特殊用途祭祀)。英语含义:small boat used for sacrifice (small boats used for water sacrificial rituals, or special purpose sacrifices).

  394. 祭债:字面含义:祭祀还债,通过祭祀来赎罪或偿还亏欠,或为减轻债务压力而祈求神灵保佑 (带有功利性目的的祭祀)。英语含义:sacrificing to repay debt, using sacrifice to atone for sins or repay debts, or praying to deities for blessing to alleviate debt pressure (sacrifice with utilitarian purpose).

  395. 祭寨:字面含义:山寨的祭祀,寨子里的祭祀活动,或者指山寨内的祭祀场所。英语含义:sacrifice of a stockade, sacrificial activities within a village, or referring to sacrificial sites in a stockade.

  396. 祭祭:字面含义:祭祀和祭祀 (重复,强调反复祭祀,隆重的多次祭祀,频繁的祭祀活动)。英语含义:sacrifice and sacrifice (repeated, emphasizing repeated sacrifices, grand multiple sacrifices, frequent sacrificial activities).



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